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伟金建筑有限公司认为人力资源是其中一个关键元素令公司业务成功。因此,伟金建筑有限公司非常重视人才资源的管理和发展。希望在健康的企业环境下,让 员工可充分运用和发展他们的专业知识、智慧和创造力,能够各展所长。如果你想寻求一个更好的事业,欢迎您加入伟金的大家庭,一起分享成功。

伟金建筑有限公司会提供培训和发展计划给员工,包括在职训练,内部/ 外部培训课程和教育津贴。 伟金会透过这些专业培训课程和资源令员工确定自己的需要,除此以外,在伟金多位经验丰富的管理人员、工程人员循循善诱下,达致学习及实践机会之平衡。

Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, "Engineering Graduate Training Scheme (Scheme A) - Civil Engineering" training

"Talents have always been our most important asset" and are also the foundation of society. For training of talents, Welcome possesses professional qualification and commits to provide training for talents.

Hong Kong Institution of Engineers approves Welcome as one of the professional institutions in providing "Engineering Graduate Training Scheme (Scheme A) - Civil Engineering". We undergo recruitment of engineering graduates from various universities for this training project. Our initial plan is to set up training for 12 graduate engineers in next few years.

While our engagement in this professional project witness our active promotion in quality project management and construction, we offer a good learning platform for young university graduates in engineering disciplines, which in effect foster the talent development in industry and support our aim to achieve " Taken from society to society".

We arrange personal tutor for each participant of "Engineering Graduate Training Scheme (Scheme A) - Civil Engineering" in order to provide participant with sufficient guidance and support. Participants will also be assigned with different duties for adequate exposure in different fields in engineering. Meanwhile, we regularly arrange site visits, meetings and internal seminars, in addition to our subsidies to participants in external training courses as we always target to achieve "Continuous Professional Development".

For any engineering graduates who are interested in joining our training, please click CONTACT US for further details.